Datuk Ejat here.. At last, I got this game. I really wanted this game at all time. So, I buy GTA IV at Software Boutique SS2 Petaling Jaya. It cost RM 145. Yeah its not cheaper but expensive.The story of this game is about a crime scene. The main Characters is niko" a russian soldier" living with his cousin "Roman" who take his to the America Liberty City to do a job.So I will review this game to you all.
To Install the game,it take 2 hour to complete depends how fast our machine.During the installation, we need to update all our database including netframework 3.5. After the installation we guide to register Rockstar social club and Windows live Gamers tag.It really frustrating but who are expert it easy to do . So after I finish all the installation, I running the game.When I Starting the game. It took a while to sign in as Windows Live user.Getting live is available for online play. I running 1280x1024 and configure all max detail. Big Suprise,when I already in game,the frame drop increasely. and maybe at 24 FPS. its still can play but not smooth at all. SO I reduce the texture detail,shadows detail,vehiecle intesity. Major Problem Is the game not compatible at all machine. I don't know what happen to rockstar. Their Port the game without checking a bugs.Dammit.The Patch already release,but nothing helpful. they only fix the missing textures but the frame rate never touch. damn.
My System
Amd Phenom X4 7890 Quad Core 3.4 GHZ
6 gb corsair value select Ram
Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT 512 Mb DDR 3
Samsung 320 GB hardrive
Basic Soundcard driver..
Windows XP service Pack 3
Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit -> Default
1mbps connection TMNET broadband
EJAT Play GTA IV In lowest setting res 1280x1024 but still nice.. Like xbox360
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