And I'm not one of these guys who would say "Oh dude I totally used to play Dungeons and Dragons and I played a Half-Elf", boldly squeezing yet another color onto the palette of irony, blobbed right next to "Elk-sweatshirt" and "Handlebar mustache".
That shit is weak to me, and earns you no points. If you weren't rolling dice until you were at least 25 years old, LARP'ed by the time you were 15, or know that there was in fact a Riddler "Super Powers" figure (merely a repainted Green Lantern) produced in Argentina only, under the brand name "Super Amigos", naturally, then there comes a point in the conversation where you are simply not following me, a point where no amount of head-nodding can convince me you have any idea what I'm talking about, nor do I make any sense to a normal person.
Like when I talk about buying a reissue of a "Land Of The Giants" trash-can from 1969, to go along with my vintage "Planet Of The Apes" trash-can I got off Ebay, because, obviously, one old science fiction trash-can manufactured for a child isn't enough. I need two.
But I digress, and I'd like to point out that I am trying not to be an elitist about this, I have just grown increasingly frustrated with the recent swing in popularity toward "geek-stuff", simply because these days wearing elf-ears is getting dangerously close to having a Bro-hawk six years ago. But if you got into all this crazy obscure geekery at 36 years old, more power to you. I need people to blow up with my Orks anyway...
Which brings us to-
Warhammer 40K.
I remember playing my first game of Warhammer 40K as a smaller scale version of it called EPIC 40K, with my friend D.J. up in Glen Ridge, NJ where he lived. It was great. It was fun. I knew shit about painting minis (short for miniatures or "little metal men" as my Mom would call them, as in "You've got these fucking little metal men all over the house") so my Eldar Reaver Titan didn't look very good, and in fact was painted with Testor's Enamels (the "kiss of death" for mini's, purchased at fine stores such as K-Mart) and looked like I had dipped my Eldar War Host into full bottles of my Mom's nail-polish (they were still sticky as we were playing and I had finished them WEEKS before the battle). D.J's minis always looks great, and he had a full army of Orks.