After 5 years our former prime minister ..Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi manage our country Malaysia,then after that he pass his job to new "Datuk Najib Tun Abdul Razak". I wonder Paklah cannot suffer and his metality are not enough to fit it because he always been attack by Pembangkang such like PAS,Keadilan,DAP. The tragedy happen after the BN on Malaysian election 2008..BN lose on the war.. cannot attain the 2/3 seat in the Parlimen.Very sad..Paklah..he my grandmother brother...so I respect him so much..thanks PakLah
So..our new prime minister has come..What do u all think of our new prime minister?..Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak?.. did he enough fit to face the challenge in our country? I thinks it true or not, rumor said he got so many scandal..?.. owh.. I hope he clean..I don't want any trouble of it... So..we wait and see it.. Did he good or not... or he could be the second Pak Lah?..haha...
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