Maaf ye to all my friends sebab late gler2 nak post kat blog ni . Bukan sebab malas or da lupakan blogger ni tau, the main reason is AIZAT MAHFUZ terlampau busy gila2 ar !!! . Teringat kata-kata kawanku ini . She said " Aizat when u wanna posting in ur blog mey.. My neck getting longer than I expected " LOL . Hahaha, aiyo relax la. Then I'm saying wait la, I kindly very busy2 and no time to do posting . Huhu . Ejat just baca blog kawan Ejat , seronok gak posting dorg , menarik gler2 la . Ada yang merepek tahap babun hahaa .
Yeah really awesome that time, coz 1stly my weight loss about 4 kg , haha that's impressive bebeh ! . ok la, time bulan puasa ni, Ejat banyak main game la haha, sebab kolej pon dah nak cuti kan, So gler2 ar abiskan masa depan MY LOVELY XBOX360 . Byk gler game dah Ejat habiskan. Lepak dalam rumah terperap dalam bilik dan memasuki dalam alam fantasi ku hahaa.
Umi dan ayah selalu marah then what them said to me ?
~ Aizat, bila ko nak stop main game ni, main mainan la... sudah2 la tu cam budak2 la .. Cuba la jadi orang besar sikit ~
= haha, Ejat just diam je.. and senyum macam orang gila je hahaa
- Yeah, my characters maybe look like childish but if you are my best friends or something like this la if you will be my longer friends , maybe you can understand what I'm stand for -
- Aizat sebenarnya da lama matang da , tapi Ejat just suke happykn sume orang dalam dunia ni-
The bad things is -> bazar ramadan pergi 2 kali je hahaa... bosan ar bazar and Tahun ni pergi masjid buat tarawih kurang sedikit sebab tertidur pas bukak posa maaa....
Malang tidak berbau kerana malam nak raya tu, Ejat bawak kereta pergi Kuala Lumpur , then masa tu nak parking kereta ni, tapi last2 tutup lak parking . Then reverse la kereta... Reverse2 terlanggar kereta belakang lak... ADESSSSS !!! yeep masa tu Ejat bawak Toyota Estima Aeras. Tibe2 lak ada kereta CRV kt belakang , ntah mana muncul . Conversation di bawah
BAM !!
Aizat : aiseyman , terlanggar keta belakang lak apis , ijam !
Ijam : oi ! apsal tiba2 muncul lak keta kt belakang ni
Aizat : ntah ! mana gua tau maaa.. pe ag kuar ar ..
Apis : Pe ag kuar ar...relax je wat muke nonsense k
Kuar dr keta , mengelabah je !!
Ejat langgar keta pompuan la, tapa pompuan dalam lingkugan 30 an kot...20 an kot..ntah bantai je ar
Girl : -Smoking- " why you hit my car , U didn't see behind ke? Then, I saw u reverse to fast
Aizat : haha, Biasa ar kak , orang pro mmg undur pantas seperti kilat hahaha
Girl : hmm " I have to check my front bumper u already hit . hmm, look ! not nice la..
Aizat : Relax kak, Like this la, follow us went to PJ, then we settle at workshop k ?
Girl : " oo, so easily yee.. u think I got time to settle that ? fucking noob !
Aizat : So u don't want to make it more nice ur front bumper ?
Girl : ala... I want la , ok give me ur contact no, then when I got time I call u k ?
Aizat : Orait kak -Settle-
hahaha Dialog ni da diubahsuai sedikit hahaa... So korg paham2 la bila da langgar keta orang mey !
1st raya mesti la kt petaling Jaya . Rumah Maktok ku

-Aizat Mahfuz , Nur Hanisah , Haslina Harun , Datin kamariah , Zahirrudin, Zulkefli Abd rahman, Ali and Apis
I love them all forever in my hearts !
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