All Nigtmare Long

I'm so tired today. Everyday drive my scooter to my college and visit my friends house.The beginning was awesome but sometimes feel bored. I need to change my attitude to be more courage and independent man. I was worry about my health, I keep trying to stop smoking but it too hard,damn it never goes easy aswell. So many work, I need to finish my assignment,keep searching some art and cool stuff, repair my lovely laptop. Duh.. tension !!.. but hehe..relax..ok..
I chat with my elder brother and it cool .. i love this.. here some I text I put in my blog
Ejat : woi apis.. jom au2
Apis: au2 ..bkn au2 ..au2 tui..
Ejat: hahahaha
Ejat: ko de x?
Apis: boli ar
Ejat : duit?
Apis: tong2 ar..hahaha
Ejat : bkn satu tp manyak
Apis: yaa... manyaaaakkkkkkk...
Ejat : oi..nnt lek pj..kte berentap..nnt ijam jd emo
Apis: jgn dowh..nnt dier bapuk
Ejat : hahaha..lawak gler..pkai Manchester United ar..
Apis: maleh ar..kte jamming ar..
Ejat: ko jamming2.. men lgu MCR ar..lgu Cancer... feeling siot
Apis: mengelabah je ko... kita petik gitar..smp putus tali ..Toing....
Ejat: da2..jom chow
Its cool..and unique..some stupid...hahaha
Yeah..I love my girlfriends Puteri salju.. I think she tough girl and rockstar..yeah.. I love her..She realize thats she can be a greats superwoman at all time. I absolutely support her.I cannot everyday meet her because I'm an busy boy..we just sms and if I got free time.. I can take her and going somewhere better place to dating..damn...
Puteri salju : hii
Ejat : hiii sweet heart
Ejat : mai da...
Puteri salju : oo ckp bahse penang ek
Ejat : npe? xphm ke? hahaha
Puteri Salju : xphm la..
Ejat : cbe ckp bahse u..
Puteri salju : gue ngak """""""""""""""""""""""" sama kamoo.. -> ntah da lpe ayat tu
Ejat : phm2.. gler ar.. nnt ajr I bahse tu
Puteri salju : segan ar..ckp cm2..
Ejat : hehe..ala..wtpe nk segan...
Puteri Salju: I nk jd spiderwoman la..
Ejat : I jd Kluang man.. support Malaysia maa...
Puteri salju : npe xmo jd spiderman..bru ideal
Ejat : no... boikot amerika..hahahaha
Yeah.. I like that text .. thats feel unique.. ok..see yaa..

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